Sunday, August 16, 2015

How Much? - Norman J. Brodeur

How Much? - Norman J. Brodeur

How Much?

We tend to break down our life into Units. Just like when we were in college, each subject has its units that corresponds to how much time is spent in class pertaining to a particular subject. That is how we break things down. We break them into units. Subconsciously, we tend to carry it over way after graduation. Our life is then subdivided into segments that correspond to our daily routine. Upon waking up, our daily ablutions, the commute, the working day and the commute back home. Upon reaching home it is also composed of units until we go to bed.
It is what we have become accustomed to since it is the most efficient way of dealing with our lives since we have objectives, targets and goals. Mostly, our professional life take center stage and 8 hours is spent on sleep, almost 4 hours for the commute 8 hours at work and would you believe only 4 hours for the rest that includes family.

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